What do you think of this? You can dial directly into someone else's voicemail to leave a message, without the phone ringing.
From the NZ Herald in an article called Break Up and then Hang Up:
The old song had it right: Breaking up is hard to do. But a free new phone service called Slydial might make it easier to get through that and other awkward moments - without actually having to talk to anyone. American service Slydial lets you connect directly with another person's cell phone voice mail, bypassing the traditional ringing process that often results - sometimes disastrously - with someone picking up on the other end.
The founder adds:
"Everybody has gone through the scenario where they've called somebody and just hoped they got voice mail so they didn't have to gave a conversation," he said."Everybody has gone through the scenario where they've called somebody and just hoped they got voice mail so they didn't have to have a conversation," he said.
I think we'd all agree that's a crummy way to break up with someone, but there can certainly be other dating uses for this service.
Also just for times when you need to contact someone and simply do not have time for a conversation.
You can read more about it here: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/feature/story.cfm?c_id=1501833&objectid=10523025
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