Recently from clients:
- I don't have a photo on my profile because I'm fat (woman)
- He says on his profile that he wants slim women. I'm not and never will be.
- He says he doesn't want any fatties and he's 5'10" and says he weighs 235, so we could add 10 lbs. to that I bet. Don't you think that's hypocritical?
There are two thrusts here. Men, particularly, have a hard time understanding that appearances change. You know - they marry the woman hoping she will never change. I coach you to take under advisement when the man leads with "appearance," just as I tell men to take is under advisement if she leads with "what's your income?"
This is not necessarily so, but there are strong signals he wants arm candy, and she wants a sugar daddy. When there's so much more to a person and a relationship than what a persons looks like and how much money they make.
Second thrust, if you don't like your appearance, that is something you can change. On your profile and emails, present yourself in the best light, yes, but you might as well tell it like it is. Because he's going to meet you in person eventually. If like, the first woman, you are holding back, like on a photo, because you don't think you present well - then get busy changing that!
Word is - most men won't consider a profile that doesn't have a photo.
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