Thursday, November 12, 2009

What Yanks Him Back from the Brink

From today's emailbag ... (don't know the source)

Some factors can derail a guy who’s about to fall.

1) They Get a New Opportunity
A promotion often means spending more hours at work or taking a schedule-chewing class. Instead of balancing that with their love lives, guys tend to prioritize their careers and believe that a solid relationship will endure the delay. So if something big is brewing, he may hold himself back.

1a) Overwhelm
Same deal, throw in something big/emotional like trouble with his kid

2) You Never Fight
Sure, guys hate arguing, but it’s worse if you don’t react negatively at all when he’s screwed up. A guy will worry that (a) you’re going to lash out later, (b) you’re a doormat, or (c) you’re not into him enough to care. Any of these will make him rethink your budding relationship.

3) Pure Panic
Many men worry that if they commit, they’ll have to give something up — friends, dart night, something. So when a guy realizes he’s fallen for you, he may freak out and pull away for a while. If you can weather his big-baby behavior without reacting in a way that confirms those fears, he should snap out of it.

3a) Post-Bad-Marriage Stress Syndrom
Same as #3 only bad memories about marriages past intensive it. (Try finger healing?)

Honestly, I work with at-risk teens (volunteer), and I let them play their own radio station. There's a cute rap-ish song out now where the guy's singing that he'll get her over her ex. Guys - you start dating again too soon. (When a guy feels sad/bad he takes action to make the feeling go away, i.e., another chick - any old one will do.) Call me for dating coaching. Gals - you wait too long. Ditto. (Many women follow the unwritten rule that you stay in love with the last one until you fall in love with the next one.


Guys, sometimes she doesn't want to "fight" with you because it's pretty much bliss. Yeah, it's possible.

Gals, let that career thing trump. It will work for you in the end.

For Dating Coaching, email me at .

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