Sunday, January 2, 2011

Results of the Latest Dating Survey


I met tonight with a group to talk about dating. I do this often to keep my pulse on what's going on. Call it a "focus group."

The topic tonight was "What's a deal-breaker for you?"

Well, as with everything else about dating, everyone had a different MAJOR deal-breaker. The things mentioned were "apalling" to the person mentioning them, but seemed "ho hum" to the others. Of course we eliminated things like in-house arrest, sex offender,

There were some minor offenses people mentioned that turned them off. Among them were:
- Sounding desperate
- Too many exclamation points!!!
- Contrived phrases
- When it sounded like you'd had someone write your profile (there are certain phrases those canned writers supply that we all recognize, and that's why I recommend you use my services. Your profile will be unique to you and written for you by me, personally, with your input, of course)
- Bad gramer and spling
- Inappropriate emphasis on sex, money, or God
- A man who writes his daughter is everything to him
- References to being 'in recovery' about anything
- Indications of baggage that was debilitating (even though denied)

There was no consensus on anything physical such as color of hair, height, lack of hair, body size, or degree of 'good' looks. In fact it was obvious that in the physical category "one man's meat is another man's poison."

The absolute deal breaker was when they found out a person had lied. There was much consensus that men lied about their height and women, about their weight.

We agreed it was silly to lie, that you would be found out sooner or later, but still it goes on.

LET ME HELP YOU WRITE A PROFILE THAT SELLS. That's what it's all about, and we want you to have success in 2011. When you finally find the one that's right for you, it's all worthwhile.

There was only one deal-breaker that was agreed

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