I have been researching the Nigerian Dating Scammers. This gets more prevalent every day, and numerous women are scammed by these experts. As a Dating Coach, I have received questions about this. If you have a specific one, please feel free to forward it to me at sdunn@susandunn.cc .
This is about onling dating safety at a new level. Many American woman have fallen prey to these Nigerian Romance Scammers who apparently operate out of Internet cafes, and will be corresponding with many women at the same time.
The ones who are good at it, and can really get money out of U. S. women are very psychologically astute.
They also know exactly what women want to hear, or at least the kind of woman who is likely to send them money to help. I'll let you connect the dots on that one.
Here are some of the things to know, and some of their favorite phrases:
Am here instead of I am here.
Talking about wife and marriage almost immediately (no committment phobia here, LOL)
Their favorite soccer team will be Manchester United
They are recently widowed (rarely divorced)
They have one child.
They will ask you to get on yahoo IM almost immediately
They are working on a "project"
They will claim to be from some town in the US - Chicago, Hickory, N.C., whatever
They will seem too good to be true, particularly in the things they say that all women want to hear - such as "I will never leave you," and "I will always be here for you/"
They use broken English, can't spell, and more than that, the cadence is all wrong. There are plenty of American guy who can't spell, but they still sound American.
Whatever online dating site they were on, they will immediately disappear from the site
They will usually have an American-sounding name but it will be 'off,' such as George Washington, Micheal Westbrookes, Jefferson William, Kevins William, and so forth
They will send poetry usually to your email, not IM, probably because of the pasting and copying. If you google the poetry, you will find it online.
They will not know anything about the town they claim to live in, i.e., one client asked the guy, who claimed to be from Chicago, about the "wolves" in front of the Art Museum. He made no comment. (They are LIONS, not wolves, as everyone knows who's been to Chicago.)
Often when asked a question they will not reply. If pressed, they will "brb" or will go offline, claiming they were booted off
They will almost immediately head to Malaysia, Ghana, or Nigeria for their "project"
or for the death of a relative, or for both
"Liver transplants" among relatives is common
Sometimes for a question, they will take a long time or "brb" in order to look it up online and then will return with the correct answer
Will ask to send you flowers, in order to get your address
Then the requests for money or equipment (cell phone, laptop) will begin. y will ask you to wire money, and there is no way to get this money back and that's why they do it.
Stay tuned for more, and take care of yourself.
Susan Dunn, Dating Coach