Thursday, July 29, 2010

Do You Get Nervous on Dates?

Let's face it, dating in today's world is quite complicated. No matter how good you are at your job, or anything else, dating can really throw you. You can completely lose your composure, and then you're really in trouble.

Here it is from Christian Carter:

If you find yourself losing your composure too often, letting your emotions take over and regretting it too often after the fact... and you're starting to recognize that not all of what you're doing and choosing to do with a man is totally CONSCIOUS... then it's time you took the time and the steps to take care of what's going on INSIDE YOU first.

What's he's talking about here is the emotional intelligence (EQ) competency of SELF-AWARENESS. Not the kind of self-awareness that makes you nervous and overly critical of yourself, but the kind that lets you "have a clue" -- lets you know what you're doing that gets you what you want, and what you're doing that doesn't get you what you want.

As a dating coach, probably the most frequent question I get is "What did I do wrong?" The woman or the man has disappeared, the client is heart-broken, and the processing begins.

Don't despair! This can all be learned. Call me for dating coaching (817-734-1471) or email me at I am a certified Dating Coach.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why Don't More People Hire a Dating Coach

I can't help but wonder this as I go about my daily life; that is, when I'm not being a Dating Coach, but just out and about. It seems like ANY conversation I get into with a person who is single, ends up being about how to make this dating thing work.

For instance the other I ran into an old friend of mine at the shopping center and we went over to Starbucks to have a latte and catch up. Soon her conversation was full of all the things she had been DOING to attract this man she was interested in and considered "marriage material."

I asked her what she had been "doing" and she told me about txting him all the time, phoning him on his cell, finding him on fb and asking him to be her friend, tracking down his home phone number, and even lurking around the Chipotle that he went to.

Oh my!

This woman definitely needs a dating coach. One of the most important things to learn right away if you are dating, is to remember that the rules of dating/courtship go way, way back. The basic idea is that the man is the pursuer. At the beginning of what is not even a "relationship" yet, the woman should just sit there and watch the man pursue. THERE SHOULD NEVER BE INITIATING BY A WOMAN. If he txts, txt back. If he calls and asks you to call him, call him back.

Stay tuned for more tips from the dating coach.