Friday, November 27, 2009

Dating and He Gets Weird ... how to interpret

Toxic Man/Woman v. Toxic Behaviors

It comes up a lot in dating. Someone gets squirrely right at first and says "stupid" things. Someone clams up and disappears for a while. You take him to a party and he can't seem to socialize. She loses her temper over something you consider inconsequential.

Let's face it dating someone new is nerve-wracking, and the more you like them, the worse it's likely to be. I know you know what I'm talking about.

The thing to figure out is if this is a recurring pattern for this person, or a temporary behavior because of the stress of dating (or a new job, or something else putting pressure on them).

In other words, does he get nervous and take a break from dating for a week or two because of the intensity of the dating situation ... or is he the kind who will disappear any and every time the going gets rough should you become a couple one day?

Let me help you figure this out. That's what Susan Dunn the Dating Coach is here for. It isn't easy dating in today's world. I've coached hundreds of people, and men and women of all ages are confused about what's going on and don't know what to do.

Email me and lets get started - .

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