Friday, January 7, 2011

Meeting Organically vs. The Other Ways

The question was raised recently - what's the best way to meet someone?

For one thing, I think this varies depending on the area of the country and the place where you live. In some places, there are known areas where singles can go and meet others like themselves. In other places, such as the D. C. area, it appears to be easier to meet people online. Just to begin with - finding other singles.

Now which works better for you? I think if you just SEE someone and they appeal to you, this is likely to be physical attraction alone. However, it seems to work very well when you meet someone in a context, such as through a Board you are both on, at work (always tricky though), or church. Then you get to know their personality, not just how they look.

Getting to know someone online, you already know some important things about the person, and these are generally things you wouldn't necessarily know from working with them, or being on a Board with them.

Let's face it, people meet in the most amazing ways. And it happens all the time. But those are chance things. I think there's something to be said for taking action, joining on online dating site, and letting the Universe know that you are interested.

If you need tips on how to screen online folks, email me at . A few trips around the block and I can tell you what signs to look for, who to delete right away (and why), and how to proceed. For instance, you want to move it rather rapidly from email to phone to in-person.

Dating online is probably the best way to meet people in the D. C. area where people work long hours, the commutes are long, and, well, it's the style.

Does it work for friends to fix you up -- or family. Most of the people I coach, say "no." Friends are always trying to help friends out in this area, but it's amazing - oh let me say sometimes really awful - to find out who your friends think might be a good date for you. You begin to wonder "What on earth?"

Yes, it works best for you to get out there and take action on your own behalf, because YOU KNOW BEST about what you want. If you need help clarifying this, please call me for coaching. "I like blonds" is not going to get you the life partner you want.

P.S. From what I hear from my many clients, as a dating coach, I would say the least likely way to meet viable candidates is through a match-making service.

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