Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Dating Coach Gets Rave Reviews

Susan Dunn, the Dating Coach ... I love my work so much, I volunteer as expert on a major website.
Recently Erin asked me why she couldn't "keep" a man. She didn't have trouble attracting them, but they always left. She asked me what she was doing wrong, and what she should do differently.
Here's how she rated my answer, which the website requests they do:

knowledgeability - 10
helpfulness - 10
timeliness - 10
politeness - 10

Comment - Those 10's are not accidents. I see the boxes and I'm giving her 10's for all of it. Not only did she answer me fast and accurate but she gave me ideas I never even thought of or forgot to write about. She doesn't sugar coat. That puts a film on things that makes it impossible to learn. Excellent expert you have here.

I was also nominated again as volunteer of the month.
No, I don't sugar coat. I figure if you're stuck, my sympathy doesn't help. What you need is straight talk and an action plan. You're paying me for advice that works, and that's what I give. I don't want to "put a film" on things so you can't learn. I don't know anyone who would keep doing something unsuccessful if they were shown a better way to do it! I've had years of experience at this, plus an M.A. in Clinical Psychology, and I work hard to help you maneuver today's impossible dating scene, and find the partner you are looking for.
For coaching, email me at or call me at 817-734-1471.

You can check out your latest ratings at
Following is the question information:

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