Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Writing your internet dating profile

"I'd like to date you, but please don't bring your pet boa constrictor along with you in the car."
Writing your Internet dating profile is one of the most important parts. Yes, a photo is essential, but we've all learned that looks aren't everything. The photo is like the introduction. Then you start the conversation.
Eleeta called me and asked for dating coaching. She said she was having trouble even getting an email. I asked to see her profile, and here it is:

[After her interests} ... If you're going to write me, please don't be a wife abuser, an alcoholic or one in recovery, addicted to anything, a control freak, uneducated, elitist, negative, filthy fingernails, someone who doesn't shave on the weekend, fat, on your second bypass, or someone who hates his mother. Also please have more than one "hobby." There's nothing more boring than someone who just lists "opera" for an interest. Also please skip the obvious stuff like movies,
eating out, cooking and travel. Who doesn't? Also I don't want to hear all about your job. That's what you do on your own time. Get it? If you don't 'get it' don't write me. And no winks or canned messages please.

OUCH! What man would even go near something like this?
I know how tempting it is once you start writing to get into the past stuff you didn't like. I once dated a guy who came over and spent an hour alphabetizing the cans in my pantry. (Could I have made that up?) Now when you read that, don't you wonder about ME more than you wonder about HIM.
I know all about this. It's tempting, but don't do it. It comes off like, "I'd like to date you but please don't bring your pet boa constrictor along in the car."
Let me coach you to success.

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